The AudioTones Simulator is a feat made possible by developers, acoustic engineers and technicians around the world, united by a common passion for auditory perfection. We pay tribute to them, by allowing free access to the Simulation Engine for all.

You, the user, can benefit by using this tool to discover your preferred sound signatures.

However, while AudioTones can alter sound signatures, it cannot compensate for hardware limitations such as poor driver quality, distortion, impedance mismatches, or issues related to earbud fit and build quality. Therefore, it should not in any way be used to predict sound quality of another device.

Despite these limitations, AudioTones remains an invaluable resource for personalizing audio and comparing different earbuds. Understanding its strengths and limitations will help users make more informed audio decisions. In other words, you can play racing simulators or flight simulators all day long to get a feel of what it’s like to be a race car driver or pilot. But nothing beats the real thing.

The Ice Cream Flavor Analogy

Imagine you have a big bowl of plain vanilla ice cream. Now, if you want it to taste a little different — maybe sweeter, or with more chocolate flavor — using AudioTones is like having a special ice cream mixer. It lets you add different flavors to your vanilla ice cream. You can toss in more chocolate, sprinkle on some strawberries, or make it taste really minty, just the way you like it.

But here’s the catch: if the ice cream wasn’t made well to begin with — if it’s too icy or not creamy enough — no amount of added flavor will make it taste as good as high-quality ice cream. And if it melts or doesn’t fit properly in your bowl, it might not taste right even with all the extra flavors.

Even though the mixer can’t fix everything, it’s still cool because it lets you customize the taste to your liking. Just remember, the best ice cream starts with good, creamy vanilla and the right balance of your favorite flavors!

Real-World Scenario: How Audio Engineers Mix Music for Consumer Earbuds


Mixing a Pop Song in a Professional Studio

An audio engineer is mixing a new pop song that will be released on streaming platforms. The goal is to ensure the song sounds great, whether it’s played on high-end headphones, car speakers, or basic consumer earbuds.

Step 1: Mixing with Neutral Headphones

The engineer starts with high-quality, neutral headphones that offer a flat frequency response — neither boosting nor cutting any frequencies. This way, they hear the music as it truly is, without any coloration.


Mixing with neutral headphones ensures the balance among instruments, vocals, and effects is accurate. Every detail, from bass to treble, is clear and unaltered by exaggerated frequencies.

Step 2: Crafting the Perfect Mix

Using Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software, the engineer adjusts levels, panning, EQ, compression, and reverb for each track. After repeated listens and fine-tuning, they ensure the mix is balanced and crystal clear.


The final mix is optimized for neutral headphones, representing the best version of the song.

Step 3: Simulating Consumer Earbuds

Knowing that many listeners will use consumer earbuds, the engineer uses tools like Waves NX or Sonarworks Reference to simulate the frequency response of popular earbuds. This helps reveal potential issues, like overpowering bass or muddy mids.

Simulation Tools:

These tools simulate the frequency response of popular consumer earbuds. They allow the engineer to hear how the mix would sound if played through these devices, highlighting any potential issues like overpowering bass or muddy mids.

Step 4: Adjusting for Earbuds

After listening to the simulated earbuds, the engineer makes subtle adjustments, perhaps reducing the bass or clarifying the mids, ensuring the song remains balanced and enjoyable on standard earbuds.

Final Check:

The engineer switches between the neutral headphones and the simulated earbuds, fine-tuning until the song sounds great on both.

Step 5: Final Test on Actual Devices

Lastly, the engineer tests the mix on various real-world devices, including actual consumer earbuds, smartphones, and car speakers.


The song is ready for release, optimized for all kinds of listening environments — from high-end equipment to everyday earbuds.

Effectiveness of AudioTones

Replicating Frequency Response

AudioTones can replicate the frequency response of different earbuds, allowing you to simulate various sound signatures. By adjusting specific frequency bands, you can experience how different earbuds sound without physically switching devices. This makes AudioTones an effective tool for comparing earbuds with distinct audio characteristics.


One of the most significant advantages of EQ is its ability to customize sound profiles. Whether you prefer deep bass, clear mids, or bright highs, EQ lets you adjust these settings to match your preferences. This level of customization is invaluable for users who want to tailor their audio experience to specific genres or personal tastes.

Environmental Simulation

EQ can simulate different listening environments. For example, boosting certain frequencies can compensate for ambient noise, making your listening experience more enjoyable in noisy settings. This adaptability is particularly useful for those who listen to music on the go.

Limitations of Equalization

While AudioTones offers considerable benefits, it also has limitations:

Driver Quality and Type

The quality and type of drivers in earbuds play a crucial role in sound reproduction. While EQ can adjust the frequency balance, it cannot change the inherent quality of the drivers. High-quality drivers produce clearer sound with less distortion, something EQ cannot replicate if the hardware is subpar.

Distortion and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) measures how much the signal is altered by the earbud. Lower THD indicates clearer sound, especially at higher volumes. While EQ can shape frequency response, it does not reduce distortion; in fact, it can sometimes exacerbate it by pushing drivers beyond their optimal range. This is particularly evident when boosting bass frequencies, which can cause distortion in earbuds not designed to handle such demands.

Impedance Matching

Impedance matching between the earbuds and the audio source is essential for minimizing distortion and ensuring efficient power transfer. EQ cannot address impedance mismatches, which can lead to poor sound quality regardless of how much you tweak the settings.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

SNR is the ratio of the desired signal to background noise. Higher SNR means clearer sound, but EQ cannot improve the SNR of an earbud; it can only adjust the relative levels of different frequencies. If an earbud has a low SNR, boosting certain frequencies may also amplify the noise, degrading overall clarity.

Fit and Seal

The fit and seal of earbuds significantly affect sound quality, particularly in bass frequencies. A good seal enhances bass response and isolates external noise, which EQ cannot fully compensate for. This means that even if EQ can simulate a sound signature, the actual listening experience may vary based on how well the earbuds fit your ears.

Materials and Build Quality

The materials used in earbuds, such as the housing and diaphragm, affect resonance and distortion. High-quality materials reduce unwanted resonances, leading to cleaner sound. EQ can adjust frequency response but cannot eliminate the resonances caused by inferior materials. For example, plastic housings may introduce resonances that muddy the sound, which EQ cannot correct.

Scenarios Where EQ May Be Inaccurate

Relying solely on EQ for earbud simulation can lead to inaccuracies in certain scenarios:

Inconsistent Fit

If the earbud’s fit in your ear is inconsistent, the perceived sound quality can vary significantly. EQ settings that work well with a perfect fit may not sound as intended if the fit changes, such as when moving or adjusting the earbuds.

Extreme Frequency Adjustments

When EQ settings are pushed to extremes, such as heavily boosting bass or treble, the earbud’s drivers may introduce distortion that EQ cannot correct. This can lead to an inaccurate representation of the earbud’s performance.

Different Listening Volumes

EQ settings that sound good at low volumes may not perform as well at high volumes due to changes in driver behavior, such as increased distortion or altered frequency response.

Why EQ is Still a Valuable Tool

Despite its limitations, AudioTones remains an essential tool for simulating and comparing earbuds. Here's why:

Accessibility and Flexibility

EQ is widely accessible and easy to use, making it a practical tool for most users. Whether you’re using built-in EQ settings on your device or a more advanced EQ software, the ability to customize your sound profile is invaluable.

Comparative Analysis

EQ allows you to compare the sound profiles of different earbuds, even if you don’t have access to them physically. This can be particularly useful when making purchasing decisions, as it gives you a sense of how different models might sound.


The ability to personalize your audio experience cannot be overstated. With EQ, you can tailor the sound to your liking, whether you’re listening to music, watching movies, or playing games. This level of control is something that few other audio tools offer.


Equalization is a powerful tool that provides significant benefits in simulating and customizing sound profiles. However, it’s essential to understand its limitations, particularly in areas like driver quality, distortion, and real-world fit. By combining EQ with real-world testing and considering the inherent characteristics of different earbuds, you can make more informed decisions and enjoy a more personalized listening experience.

Further References

Audio Judgement offers a comprehensive tutorial on THD, including methods for measuring THD and how it impacts sound quality. They explain how harmonic distortion increases at different frequencies and the influence of loudspeakers on this distortion. They also discuss how THD can be measured using notch filters or wave analyzers, with visual graphs to help understand the concepts.

Gamry Instruments discusses the use of THD in analyzing non-linearities in audio signals. They explain how Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to convert time-domain signals into frequency-domain data, which can then be plotted to show the harmonic content of a signal. This helps visualize how distortion grows as non-linearities increase.

Audio Curious focuses on how THD affects audio quality in high-fidelity audio systems. They provide examples of acceptable THD levels and explain the consequences of higher THD on the perceived sound quality. Visual aids in this source illustrate how THD can mask subtle details in audio, leading to a degraded listening experience.

These sources provide the visual content and detailed explanations needed to understand THD’s impact on audio quality, which would be beneficial to include in your article. For detailed graphs and visual explanations, you can visit Audio Judgement, Gamry Instruments, and Audio Curious.

Impedance Matching Illustrations

Impedance matching is crucial for ensuring optimal sound quality when pairing earbuds with an audio source. Proper matching helps maintain a balanced and clear sound by ensuring the audio signal is transmitted efficiently from the source to the earbuds. Several illustrations and articles explain how impedance matching works, highlighting the importance of the damping factor, which is the ratio of the earbud’s impedance to the source impedance. Diagrams often show how mismatches can lead to poor sound quality, such as a loss of bass response or increased distortion.

For detailed illustrations and explanations, you can refer to sources like Headphonesty and Sound Slack, which discuss how impedance affects sound quality and the importance of matching earbuds with the appropriate audio source.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Comparisons

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is a measure of how much desired audio signal exists compared to background noise, with higher SNR values indicating clearer sound. Visual comparisons often use bar charts or line graphs to show how different earbuds perform in terms of SNR, illustrating how some models can deliver clearer audio, especially in noisy environments. This is particularly important for discerning listeners who want the best possible clarity from their earbuds.

You can find charts and further details on how SNR impacts audio quality in sources such as and My New Microphone.

Fit and Seal Diagrams

The fit and seal of earbuds are critical for ensuring good bass response and overall sound quality. Diagrams illustrating this typically show cross-sections of earbuds in the ear canal, highlighting how a proper seal enhances bass and isolates external noise, while a poor seal results in diminished sound quality. These visual aids help users understand the importance of selecting the right ear tip size and ensuring a good fit for optimal audio performance.

For more detailed diagrams and explanations, check out resources like and Sound Slack, where the relationship between fit, seal, and sound quality is explored.